‘This is a crisis’: Panel discusses support for gay Black and Latino male...
Even though over half of all gay and bisexual men are sexually assaulted during their lifetime, Daniel Jacobsen López said gay men of color who experience sexual assault are largely ignored if they...
View ArticleFaculty Assembly discusses required vaccination proposal, possible new budget...
All students should be required to have a COVID-19 vaccination to participate in on-campus activities next fall, according to a proposal introduced at Wednesday’s Faculty Assembly meeting.Chris...
View ArticlePitt adds 31 COVID-19 cases since Tuesday, offers new testing times
Pitt added 31 new COVID-19 cases, composed of 27 students and four employees, between Tuesday and Thursday, with 71 students currently in isolation. The University’s previous case report, covering last...
View Article‘Peregrine falcon landlord’: Cathedral of Learning’s avian tenants
A multitude of peregrine falcons have called Pitt’s Cathedral of Learning home since 2001 and they have been live streamed since about 2007. While many of the falcons are revered by the Pitt community,...
View ArticleSen. Bob Casey discusses civic engagement at RSA town hall, encourages youth...
Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey dialed in on Zoom Thursday evening to share his political insight with students across the Pittsburgh area — all while driving home from a late congressional meeting.The...
View ArticlePitt police town hall addresses funding, weapon usage among officers
In order to push for more transparency in Pitt police, students should “keep pushing” for answers from those in “access and power,” according to Kathryn Fleisher, a senior and Student Government Board...
View ArticlePLRB rules on size of potential Pitt faculty union
A Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board official ruled Friday on the size of a potential bargaining unit for Pitt faculty, marking a win for union organizers and moving the campaign further toward an...
View ArticleStudents say shelter-in-place guidelines are ‘inconsistent,’ protest closed...
For Isaac Przybysz, online classes and the COVID-19 pandemic have challenged his mental health. Because of this, he said Pitt should leave study spaces in residence halls open to help students during...
View ArticleSGB to vote on revised governing, elections codes
After this year’s tumultuous Student Government Board election, the board will soon vote on a major elections reform package released last week, as well as other reforms to the board’s structure and...
View Article‘Finding that joy in their life again’: Student org helps traumatic brain...
For people who experience traumatic brain injuries, their lives are dramatically and permanently impacted. Pitt Synapse aims to support these individuals as much as possible as they begin their TBI...
View Article‘On fire for over a year’: Pitt leaders reflect on pandemic year
Communicating, planning and adjusting are key traits of successful elected officials. Add on the unprecedented nature of a pandemic, and a leadership role becomes a whole new ball game.Three elected...
View ArticleNews desk says ‘so long’ to Maura Scrabis
When Maura turned in an application for the news desk earlier this year, I was a bit surprised — typically people don’t start TPN during their senior year. But I’m so grateful she did, because she...
View Article‘Filming history’: Documentary features Pitt’s efforts in COVID-19 vaccine...
While the COVID-19 pandemic is many people’s first experience with a deadly, widespread virus, Carl Kurlander, the director and producer of the newly released “CHASING COVID” film, said it was all too...
View ArticlePittsburghers mourn, protest after guilty verdict in Floyd murder case
Jerry Dickinson has only been able to watch one second of the video of George Floyd’s murder.Dickinson, a professor in Pitt’s School of Law and candidate for a local U.S. House seat, said he can’t...
View ArticleTPN says ‘so long’ to senior editors
It’s been a long year — though for these editors, time has flown by. We are upset that a certain virus has cut short our time in person, but we are grateful for the memories we made during our time...
View ArticleMore than 3,300 visitors tour campus amid shelter-in-place
When Parker Jack received an email last month notifying him that he could take an in-person tour at Pitt, he left class to go to the bathroom and schedule one immediately.“I had already committed...
View Article‘For the last time, end report’: SGB sheds tears, passes bill at last spring...
Student Government Board’s Tuesday evening meeting was filled with tears and gratitude as seniors gave their last reports. In his opening statement, outgoing SGB President Eric Macadangdang humorously...
View ArticleStudents reflect on first full academic year during pandemic
As the end of the first full academic year with COVID-19 comes to a close, many Pitt students are preparing for upcoming finals and sharing their thoughts on this year’s primarily virtual learning...
View ArticleLocal sequencing efforts reveal patterns in COVID-19 variant evolution
As COVID-19 continues to spread, new variants of the virus are being discovered and researched. One of these variants — B.1.1.7, which was first identified in the United Kingdom — was detected on...
View ArticlePolice Blotter: April 15- April 21
Thursday, April 151:21 p.m. Pitt police reported damaged card readers at Posvar Hall.Friday, April 1612:59 p.m. An individual reported her ex-boyfriend had been harassing her on the 200 block of...
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