Pittsburgh Against Fascism in India holds teach-in
A group of students came to the front of a classroom and began to read.“We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved … ”The crowd is instructed to repeat this phrase, then the students continue. “...
View ArticleAnalysis: Comparing Pitt’s current Ballard Spahr spending with pre-unionization
Since the graduate and faculty union campaigns launched in 2016, Pitt has paid more than $1.3 million to “union avoidance” legal giant Ballard Spahr — an average of $328,000 per year.Financial records...
View ArticleSGB honors the memory of Pitt student Barbara Como
Student Government Board started its weekly meeting Tuesday night by having a moment of silence for Pitt senior Barbara Como, who passed away Saturday.“If you are having a hard time right now, please...
View ArticleHeinz Chapel holds MLK Interfaith Service
At Heinz Memorial Chapel Tuesday evening, worshippers of different faiths sat in the same pews and celebrated the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.The Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Service was...
View ArticleThe inside scoop on the dining contract negotiation process
Pitt Dining will have to make a decision in the next few months — not on a menu, but on who gets to make the menus.The University’s current dining contract with Sodexo — the food management company...
View ArticleHow Pitt is choosing to reduce, reuse and re-wear
Blue bins, green bins and black bins — oh my. With so many ways to dispose of waste on campus, it can be hard to believe that Pitt didn’t start recycling until 1990. Now, 30 years later, there are even...
View ArticleFrom rags to the mayoralty: the story of Sophie Masloff
Growing up as a poor Jewish girl in 1920s Pittsburgh, Sophie Masloff seemed to have a hard future ahead of her — but her determination to improve her life as well as others’ would take her all the way...
View ArticlePolice blotter: Jan. 16-Jan. 22
The Pitt News collates and publishes the Pitt police’s media crime log on a weekly basis. Read more here.Thursday, Jan. 1611:51 a.m. An individual reported gift cards stolen from Holland Hall.12:13...
View ArticlePa. House Speaker won’t seek 10th term
The speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Mike Turzai, R-28, announced Thursday that he will not seek re-election this year and instead work in the private sector. He made the...
View ArticleIt’s a beautiful day to survey the neighborhood
Lately, between Pitt’s Campus Master Plan and the construction of new apartments and offices, there always seems to be some kind of development going on in Oakland. Now, the Oakland Planning and...
View ArticlePittsburgh Against Fascism in India holds protest at Frick fountain
Dozens of Pitt students, faculty and community members gathered on a cold Sunday afternoon around the fountain outside the Frick Fine Arts Building to chant “Aazaadi, Aazaadi” — “freedom” in Hindi —...
View ArticleJudge dismisses charges against Pitt sophomore
A local magistrate judge dismissed several charges against a Pitt sophomore on Jan. 16.The judge, James Motznik, dismissed two charges faced by Matthew Stefurak, both stemming from a Sept. 29, 2019,...
View ArticleNationality Rooms director Maxine Bruhns retires after 54-year Pitt career
Maxine Bruhns’ day used to start at 4:30 a.m.She watched the international news on BBC and Al Jazeera America, looking for developments to fill her staff in on. Each morning, according to her assistant...
View ArticlePressing the student press: Inside the TPN newsroom
In honor of Student Press Freedom Day, we’ve decided to report on something that we don’t often cover — ourselves. We’re going to take a peek behind the curtain to talk to some of the people who make...
View ArticleSGB’s SORC proposals given to Dean Bonner
Student Government Board kicked off their meeting Tuesday night with an announcement from President Zechariah Brown that he had met with SORC coordinator Lynne Miller to discuss SGB’s proposed...
View ArticleOakland Planning and Development meeting discusses new restaurant, parking lot
The Oakland Planning and Development Corp.’s community meeting on Tuesday covered a wide array of subjects, including a giant pencil, Mexican food and an unpaved parking lot.Jarrett Crowell, community...
View ArticlePitt student’s trial pushed to late April
Pitt student Ethan Kozak will face a nonjury trial on April 27 for three criminal counts, one each of ethnic intimidation, terroristic threats and harassment.Kozak’s lawyer, Terrence Ging, requested...
View ArticleSexual misconduct prevention panel plots course
When the Association of American Universities released a report last year detailing sexual misconduct on 33 university campuses, including Pitt, Yemi Olaiya said personal experiences with sexual...
View ArticleStevie Kisty Voted Pitt’s Best RA Two Years in a Row
Emily Hearty, sophomore bioengineering major and Brackenridge resident assistant, said Stevie Kisty was more than just her RA her first year — he was a personal inspiration.“Stevie’s programming and...
View ArticleJazz Studies: The rest is history
When she first moved to Pittsburgh, Nicole Mitchell had to stop by the DMV in order to get a Pennsylvania driver’s license.Her routine errand turned into an odd coincidence when she told the employee...
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